Saturday, April 30, 2011

Detox: Day 26

Only 1 day left!! I can't believe it's already been 4 weeks. Honestly, this detox was much easier than I imagined. I have done many detox's but never for this long and this strict. Although there is still a day left, the back patting has already begun;)

So as my last Friday of my detox, I had planned a night out to my new favorite restaurant: Live. I have not stopped thinking about the pecan sushi since I went 2 weeks ago. And even though my date had to cancel last minute, I went anyway. I sat alone, without my phone and simply concentrated on my meal, tasting every succulent flavor and devouring every last bite. I then moved to the dessert counter and picked the 'Raw Joe Louis'.  It was absolutely heavenly! Man, they make detoxing easy.
Raw Pecan Sushi - mmmmmm!

1 day left!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Detox: Day 25

Sometimes this world can be a pretty dark place. The noise, the dirt, the smells and the people make it very challenging at times to stay positive. As I sit in my apartment, journal-ing about my quest to ultimate health, my alcoholic neighbor above beats his alcoholic wife. This unfortunately is a regular occurrence and as much as I try to help, she refuses and continues to allow this psychotic behavior to carry on. Obviously, there are so many things that bother me about this situation. But I think the thing that bothers me the most is how much they take life for granted.

I was informed today that a co-worker from my old job died of ovarian cancer. She wasn't even 50 years old. As I reflect upon this news, while listening to sounds of ultimate darkness coming from above, I can't help but to question why life seems to be so unfair at times.

There is garbage in the streets, traffic on the roads spewing exhaust into the air we breathe, men beating their wives, wives letting men beat them, children starving and good people dying too young. There is darkness all around us. So what can we do? How do we cope? The only answer I came up with is to choose to see the light. As much as there is dark, there is light. It is up to us to decide where to place our focus.

During this loooong week of gloomy weather, there is one thing that always makes me smile: daffodils! My most favorite flower is in full bloom right now and I couldn't be more happy. Every where I look are bursts of bright yellow popping up on lawns throughout the city. Daffodils make me so happy as their outside petals remind me of rays of sun and the bright yellow horn-shape center looks like a megaphone screaming 'happiness' as I walk by. How can you not smile when you spot something so beautiful?

Although there is only about 6" of concrete that separates me from my neighbor, we are literally worlds apart. Because he chooses to see the garbage and traffic and all I see are bright, blooming daffodils!

2 more days!

Detox: Day 24

So today I ordered another bunch of carrots. Although my cleanse ends Saturday, I am going to continue juicing for a while. I definitely miss my yogurt & granola for breakfast (my pre-detox breakfast staple),  I'm thinking that can be brought in as a weekend breakfast or dessert. I also usually have a smoothie every morning so now I am planning on replacing the smoothie with the juice and have the smoothie as an afternoon snack. I am hoping to keep the veggie intake the same and helping that by having at least one salad/day. Something that continues to be a struggle is the thoughtless snacking/eating. Although this detox has made me much more aware, so often I eat something without any thought to it at all. Its as if the hand to mouth motion is programmed at times and I am totally oblivious to what I am doing. I am trying to be more aware of what, when and why I am eating, trying not to just eat because its something to do or because I 'm bored. The psychological response to eating is something I plan to continue to work on for a while.

After my rough weekend, I feel like things are getting back to normal. I have been extra careful with my diet these past few days, really sticking to the do's & don'ts of this detox. Although its been over 3 weeks and normally would have thrown in the towel by now, I am feeling too good to give this up. This is my first cleanse where I am not counting down the hours till I can have a glass of wine or a forbidden sweet. A coffee on the other hand, I have been thinking much about:) Seriously though, I am somewhat grateful for feeling like poo on the weekend. It showed me first hand how much food can alter not only your physical, but mental state as well.

3 more days!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Detox: Day 23

Okay, so yesterday I wasn't as behaved as I promised to be. I went to an event and got a free drink ticket. I honestly tried to use it on water but since they just had tap water, I still had my drink ticket. I thought, well in order to properly analyze a suspected food sensitivity, I must consume the food/drink on its own. See, it was all part of the research;)

However, I am still not feeling nearly as good as I did when fasting. Although unavoidable, I quickly gained back the weight I lost during the fast (maybe 2-3 lbs) and my digestion has still not returned back to normal after the weekend episodes. I find myself really having to cut my portions as I am getting fuller faster (this however, is a good thing). I also realize that even with a one month detox, I am still a sugar addict. Although I have steered far away from white sugar for almost a year now (weddings, birthdays and holidays not incl. of course;), I still want something sweet after dinner. The cravings have definitely diminished however. Last night, when seeing many friends I haven't seen for a while, a few nice compliments were thrown my way. One about my skin looking good and one about how I look like I've lost a few pounds. Its nice to hear my hard work is getting noticed:)

With only a few days left of this detox, I really would love to carry on. However, as said since the beginning, the insufficient protein intake does make this detox unsustainable. I felt that tonight in my spin class. Although factors such as my first day back after a week and after my fast may be more to blame for my decrease in strength, but I am sure 3 1/2 weeks without sufficient protein intake certainly plays a role. I will however, most definitely continue with many of the positive habits I have acquired during this cleanse.

4 more days!

Detox: Day 22 - Week 4

Yipeee!!!! It's not the wine. I don't have a sensitivity to wine!!

That's all I have to say for today;)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Detox: Day 21

Last day of a three week detox. Wow! This is the end of the road for most, anyone who is left that is. I think it is so wonderful the love you have shown yourself these past three weeks. I know your body is thanking you for it as well. A BIG congrats for all your hard work!

For me, I continue trucking on. I have one more week, actually 6 days of my detox left. I must say, my attitude has definitely slacked going into this last week. I came out of my fast quite well, only starting with soup about half way through my day on Friday. A few veggies as an afternoon snack, then more soup and a salad for dinner. I felt fine. Saturday day was pretty much the same, however I knew I would be in for a challenge Saturday night. We were invited to a friend's place for dinner and going to a dance party after wards. Knowing how health conscious my friend was, I knew I would have plenty to eat. Even though there was an abundance of salads and dips I could eat, I couldn't resist trying a quesadillas. I refused the cheddar cheese but said yes to the goat cheese I (know - bad). But she had mixed it with these amazing chipotle peppers (I know- another bad) that I just couldn't deny. I regretted it about 20 minutes later though, as I felt like I had just eaten cement that was now permanently hardening in my stomach! I totally had a reaction and then paid for it all night. It didn't keep me from dancing of course;) but definitely helped with staying away from any alcohol or delicious chocolate chip cookies she served for dessert.

Today was another day full of temptation as it was Easter. We arrived at Steve's family's place and of course immediately began munching. I was well behaved and stuck to the veggies and summer hummus I made, however there was this cheese platter. I thought, maybe I should try a tiny piece of goat cheese and see if I get a reaction, confirming my sensitivity to it. So I did. Aside from feeling totally stuffed from over-munching, I didn't get the same reaction. However, half way through my dinner it started.  I did have a few sips of red wine (I know - VERY bad) but didn't even get to enjoy it as this moment of pleasure was replaced by a cement truck in my stomach that lasted the rest of the night. Now I have to figure out if it was the goat cheese or wine (God - please don't let it be the wine;) or  something on my plate even though I steered clear of all allergen foods at dinner.  Not fun. Especially after feeling so amazing a few days prior. This makes me want to go back to fasting!

So for all of you ending your detox, this is confirmation to take it slow. Really try to stick to one food group at a time and that will make spotting a food sensitivity much easier.

I'll be better behaved tomorrow - I promise;)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Detox: Day 19 - Let's talk Enemas!

Yes, it is time for the talk. The enema talk.

Many people have said to me that enemas are unnatural and unnecessary and 100 years ago no one was doing this. My response is they're right. 100 years ago enemas were likely unheard of, however back then people actually ate whole foods and not things that came in a box. With the North American diet that most of us consume today, enemas are becoming more and more necessary.

It is quite important to make sure your bowels are evacuating properly always, but especially during a detox. As your body, releases toxins, you want to make sure to get these toxins out of the body. If someone is experiencing constipation (less than 1/day), toxins can be reabsorbed by the colon and move back into the blood system. When detoxing, constipation is a common occurrence as meal quantities are usually smaller and lighter. When fasting, it is recommended to preform an enema everyday of the fast as there is no substance to encourage a bowel movement. And although juicing everyday, much of the fiber is lost in this process. Enemas and/or colonic's are a great way to encourage movement through the bowels and assure the elimination of the released toxins.

Colonic's are preformed in a clinical setting by a specialist and usually cost between $60-90/treatment. Although much more effective, enemas are a easy, affordable alternative that can be preformed in the home.

I have put together the following video to explain a safe and proper way to preform an enema.

I hope this video helped and made you feel more at ease about enemas. Once letting go of the fear factor, adding enemas to your health routine can prove to be quite beneficial and help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

* If suffering from any bowel or digestive disorder, pregnant or any other health concerns, please contact your family physician before preforming an enema.

Detox: Day 18 - Fasting: Day 3

Wow! So this is what happens when you strip away all those layers of dirt. You're left with nothing to hide behind. No protection and no excuses. It's just you. Bare, exposed and totally raw!

I was thinking tonight how it is so rare to be in a natural state of being. For most of us, coffee is the first thing we ingest in the morning. Immediately, we are buzzing on caffeine, therefore unaware of how our bodies really feel after the sleep we just had and how we feel about the day ahead. Then we often have a sugary muffin or cereal for breakfast and now we've complimented our caffeine buzz with a sugar high. Follow that with another coffee. Now, all we're doing is just sprinting through our day, just doing, not feeling. Lunch usually consists of a gazillion nutrient-deficient calories followed by some more sugar and maybe even another coffee. After work, we'll probably meet friends for drinks or put our feet up with a cold one when we get home. Now we're replacing our caffeine and sugar crash with an alcohol buzz. Probably add some junk food to the equation, especially for those planted in front of the TV. This may be exaggerated for a few of you, but I am sure this routine is resonating with many.

After 72 hours without eating anything, along with daily enemas, I couldn't be more pure. I am the closest to my natural state of being as I think I have every been. My mind has been free of all stimulants for over 18 days and only given clean, nutrient-dense foods that feed and replenish my body & mind.  It was underneath all those layers of grime, and in a completely sober state of mind that I have discovered what it is to truly feel. Mind you, this is only the tip of the ice burg. But what a breakthrough it is.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Detox: Day 16 (Fasting Day 1)

It is amazing  how much our eating habits are psychological. Yesterday, knowing I would be fasting over the next 3 days, I totally over ate and snacked non-stop. However, I woke up this morning, determined that I would not eat any solid food for 3 days and for whatever reason, was not at all hungry throughout the day.

I drank my normal carrot/beet/celery/apple juice this morning and felt quite fine through out the morning. I sipped carrot juice throughout the day when ever I started getting a little hungry and drank my tea and water as normal. I kept quite busy throughout lunch so that helped, however found it a bit difficult when I got home. I was more bored than anything really, so I again just kept busy. As my treat, I drank a mixed berry juice and that was lovely. One thing that was really evident though was how cold I was all day. It didn't help that it was below seasonal temperatures, and even with my sweater and scarf on all day indoors, I never really warmed up. This proves my point of not detoxing in the winter. Your body temperature drops quite significantly when detoxing, especially when fasting, that is why warm temperature is ideal.

I also refrained from any exercise and am aiming to go to bed by 10 (yikes! not looking good). Lets hope tomorrow goes as smooth although I remember day 2 of my last fall being a bit more of a challenge.

Monday, April 18, 2011

End of your Detox

As today is either the first day of your 3rd week or your first day off your detox, I think a few things should be mentioned. Congrats to those carrying on. Continue as usual. For those of you coming off a 2 week cleanse, a few pointers so you don’t throw away all your hard work.

First off, as this detox pretty much eliminated all allergen foods, you want to pay close attention when reintroducing. This includes soy, dairy, gluten, nightshade vegetables and corn. Although you may have never noticed a reaction to these foods prior to the cleanse, it does not mean you are not sensitive to them. Once they are removed from the diet for an extended period of time then reintroduced, the reaction is usually stronger and usually much easier to notice. It is best to reintroduce one food group at a time. As all this information is in my meal-plan, please contact me for further details on how to do this.

You have just spent the last 2 weeks cleaning out your body, ridding it of all kinds of toxins and nasty chemicals. Now you didn’t just do all that hard work for nothing. When coming out of the detox, you want to try to implement many of the good eating habits you have acquired during this cleanse to your everyday lifestyle. Obviously, living a life without any sugar, coffee or processed food at all maybe unrealistic, however it does not need to be an everyday habit. Treat these items as ‘special occasion’ only. If you were an 1-2 coffee/day drinker before the cleanse, now that it is out of your system, just drink it if you are out for brunch with friends and not at home or work. For sugar, well I never really went back. However, there are weddings, holidays, birthday’s that come up and that is when I may indulge a little. Same for processed food.

Just like spring, you have a fresh start to blossom and bloom. Now that you have prepped the soil and replenished it with all kinds of essential nutrients, it is ready for planting. You can either put weeds in your garden that will spread and wreak havoc, or plant seeds that will flourish and grow, reaping you with rewards from its luscious fruits.  You decide how you want your garden to grow.

Picture courtesy of

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Detox: 2 weeks!

Yipee!! We made it! 2 weeks of detoxing! Congrats. Now who's staying on board for another??

If you made the two weeks and are ready to call it quits, pat yourself on the back for the amazing job. Especially for those who are doing this for the first time, I'm sure it wasn't easy and two weeks is a great amount of time for a detox. I hope you are feeling revitalized and energized. Physically, you probably dropped a few pounds, your skin is probably more clear and you most likely have less congestion and inflammation in the body. Mentally, your mood is most likely better balanced and you are probably feeling more calm. Whatever changes you have experienced through this cleanse, I hope they are positive and you are feeling better than before.
For me, this is my half way mark. Another 2 weeks to go. I must admit my motivation may not be as strong as 2 weeks ago, however there is not much out there that can mess with my determination. When I put my mind to something (and tell everyone I know about it:) there is no stopping me. Especially since discovering Live. Steve & I went out for dinner last night to Live, an organic raw food restaurant. I am totally convinced this restaurant is located in that little town called 'Heaven'. Aside from the tofu and tempeh, I was literally allowed to eat everything on the menu. First I started with the pecan sushi. No word of a lie, this dish may have just replaced dark chocolate as my new weakness! We then split the beet ravioli and raw taco's. Ooops sorry! I just salivated on my keyboard just thinking about it. Then, wait for it.... I had cheesecake for dessert. All this with out one bit of cheating!! The cheesecake was made of a cashews and a bit of agave. As long as I have Live I think I can detox forever!
Tonight's dinner: Sesame veggie stir-fry on quinoa

So into week three, which will probably be my most challenging week yet. On Tuesday I start a 3 day fast. You know that expression 'do as I say not as I do'? Well that applies here. Unfortunately there is no day that I am not working, therefore I won't really be able to take it easy while fasting, which is exactly what you are supposed to do. I will however, take a break from the gym, riding my bike and try to get at least an hour or two extra of sleep on the days I fast. Live will unfortunately have to wait a few more days:)

To all of you, whether this is where you draw the line or for those of you still trucking along, I salute you. Great job!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Detox: Day 12

2 more days and its a milestone! You can do it!

So we are coming up to another weekend. Weekends for me are always a little more difficult as I seem to have to face my temptations more often. It is those down times that you just want to say "F" it all and have that glass of wine, coffee or Kit Kat (you know who you are;). Lord knows I was tempted tonight. After being on my feet ALL day, shmoozing to a sea of strollers and baby bumps at a business convention, I just thought there would be nothing better than putting my feet up with a glass of red wine. Then at the end of the day, we were invited for a little meet and greet where they not only served all the foods I couldn't indulge in, but the best looking glasses of wine I think I have ever seen. And they were FREE!! Ooooo I was tempted. Very tempted. I may have even contemplated, justifying in my head the amount of antioxidants versus the alcohol content. But I am proud to say I simply sat (somewhat) contently with my veggie sticks and hummus and a glass of water. Luckily the urge did not remain for long as it was quickly replaced by pride in myself for remembering what I am doing this all for. 

Wish I could say I had as much will power when it came to my dark chocolate bar. Ooops!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sprouting - Detox: Day 11

Already at 1 1/2 weeks. This detox is just flying by!

I often comment about how I am never lacking ideas in the kitchen. This may not be the case for many of you and may be frustrating. Let me tell you, this was often the case for me as well. With a few detox's under my belt, I have had time to think up a few recipes and I pretty experiment with food on a daily basis. But I get that food is not everyone's passion. That is why I hope some of the recipes and ideas I have shared with you here have been helpful.

Although it would be great to have some fantastic, creative meal every night, time does not always permit. In that case, salads are always a great quick fix although they can be a bit boring at times. I would like to share with you a simple solution to sprucing up those bland salads. Sprouts!! I love sprouting. Totally intimidated at first, thinking I need all kinds of fancy equipment and loads of time, I was shocked at how easy it really is. Mung beans were the first beans I sprouted, but pretty much any bean, lentil or seed can be sprouted with little effort. All you need is a jar and some water - that's it!!

Start with 1 cup of the beans of your choice. Rinse them in a strainer under cold water until clean then place in a mason jar. Cover beans with pure water surpassing the beans by at least an inch. Cover with a cheese cloth or no cover at all and leave on counter over night or approximately 12 hours. In the morning, thoroughly rinse beans and put back in jar this time without any water. Rinse beans thoroughly evening and morning and within a day or two you will begin to see sprouts. That's it.

Sprouting has many benefits. It activates enzymes in the bean or seed which aides with digestion. Vitamin content in the food increases 3-12 times. Chlorophyll and carotene content dramatically increase when sprouts are exposed to sunlight (put them in your window sill for a while:). And not to mention, they are super cheap! Even though I add my sprouts to everything (salads, stir-fry's, smoothies, etc.) I still can't eat them fast enough. And they last over a week in a well sealed container in the fridge. I totally encourage all of you to give it a try. Theses sprouts will not only add nutrients to your meals, but they'll add a little needed funk as well!

Night 1: soaking over night

One day after draining water

Evening of top picture

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Detox: Day 10

How my food makes me feel!
YAY!! Double digits - Congrats!

I wanted to send a special shout-out to my co-worker & friend, Toni. She has been so enthusiastic about this detox, she has been inspiring to me. Toni was not a terrible eater before, but she was in need of a few changes in her diet. Being that this was her first detox, she didn't want to set the bar too high and said she'll try it for a week. Well, not only has she stayed on for another week, Toni has not cheated once! Every lunch hour we sit and rummage through recipes while sampling each others creations. Keep up the awesome work Toni!!

One thing I am noticing on this detox is that I am so concentrated on my food that eating becomes this big event. At a time where many think you are so limited with food options, I am discovering endless new creations in the kitchen. So often we fall into a routine and either cook the same things, often based on convenience. Not only has this detox brought awareness to everything I put in my body, but the energy I put into my food and food preparation, the excitement & the pride, is taken on when I eat it. Pretty much what I give in comes back to me - full circle!

Only a few days left and it'll will be 2 weeks. Keep it up!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Detox: Day 9

Almost in the double digits - YAY! Hopefully this week is going easier for you. I find around this time I start getting a little bored with my food. Therefore it's time to spice things up!
Wrap-less Burritios

I got a bunch of sweet potatoes in my organic produce basket this week and was thinking about what I can do different with them. I absolutely L-O-V-E Mexican food and realize while on a cleanse, my options for these authentic dishes are limited. Then I thought about burritos. The only thing that puts burritos on the 'forbidden' list is the tortilla wrap. So I got rid of it. I stuffed some Boston lettuce leaves with brown rice, spiced up black beans, mashed sweet potato, topped it with guacamole & homemade salsa and Hala! Muchos delicioso cheat-proof burritos!!
Banana, pinapple, blueberry, coconut 'Ice Cream'
Then for dessert, I made a masterpiece! I had another sweet craving but was determined to steer away from my already opened chocolate bar. Instead I had ice cream. Yes, you heard me right. Well, some may call it a thick smoothie but I call it ice cream. Forbidden things always sound more appealing anyway:) I used frozen fruit and a bit of coconut milk to make it creamy. This just may be go to dessert from now on, detoxing or not!

(My apologies for the quality of this photo. My camera was acting up and I was too impatient to fiddle around as I couldn't wait any longer to devour this yummy dessert!)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Detox: 1 week!!!

1 week!!! You detoxed for a week!! Congratulations!!
Now that you saw how easy that was I hope you are staying on board for another!

Some of you may not be sure if you want to continue this for another week. Maybe you found it to be too difficult and just can’t get the thought of a coffee or sweet treat out of your head. Maybe you are wondering what all that hard work was for as you really don’t feel any different. That may be true as sometimes we don’t necessarily see the results we were hoping for. But realistically, it was just a week. There is only so many pounds you can shed in 7 days. However, as you are focusing on your waistline, other changes may have occurred.

After a 1 week detox you should notice your energy levels increased. You should have more consistent energy through your day instead or periods of highs & lows.  Your cravings for sweets, especially after dinner, should have dwindled as you have leveled out your blood sugar levels. Also, if you were a night time snacker or emotional eater, you should have gained a little more control over your evening eating habits. Also, your skin may be clearer, or like me, it could be worse. Although my pores look smaller and cleaner, and skin seems fresher, I had a recent break out. This indicates that I am definitely ridding of some toxins. The three main exits for toxins are through the bowels, the kidneys and through the skin.  So a break out may not necessarily be a bad thing. You may have noticed is your urine is clearer. And if you’ve been eating as many beets as me, it will be clear with a pinkish hue:)

My 1st week was definitely easier than previously detox's.  Aside from my Saturday crack, not touching chocolate for a week is a record for me. My energy levels have been consistent and I haven’t experienced any lethargy after meals. I am more hungry though. Before, I was easily able to last until 1:30 or 2pm before eating lunch. Now I can barely make it to 12:30.  I do still want something sweet after dinner but if I give myself the time to think before just reaching, the craving usually passes. Probably more habit than need. Through my meditations I am finding my self more calm and actually able to be somewhat still. Those moments of stillness are still few and far between but they were literally non-existent before. The need for distraction, via phone, internet, ipod or what ever else I’ve come to depend on these passed few years seems not as strong.  And, although I am busier with all the cooking and blogging, I feel as though I am more organized with my time.

Now on to week 2. I hope you are all still on board because this is where things really start to happen!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Detox: Day 6

1 more day and it's already a week! Congrats!
Apple/pear sauce with cinnamon & dates
The first Saturday of the cleanse. The thought of a yummy morning coffee may have entered my mind once but I quickly forgot about it after my carrot/beet/kale juice. Seriously! I don't think I can consume any more liquids for a while after downing a liter of that! I hit the gym in the mid afternoon so I made sure to have my lunch before. I had some hummus and veggies as well as an apple in the afternoon to tie me over until dinner. Being that it was Saturday night and sticking to my own advice about not being a hermit while detoxing, I went out for dinner. We are so fortunate to live in Toronto, as it has a plethora of healthy restaurants to chose from. I went to Fresh with a friend and had their scrumptious Warrior bowl on brown rice. We even treated ourselves to the quinoa battered onion rings for an appetizer - delish! We eyeballed the dessert menu for quite some time, hoping there was something we were allowed but I wasn't ready to bend the rules that much. Instead, I went home and made myself an even better dessert than those cane sugared cupcakes with icing or that walnut brownie I salivated over;) I steamed 1 apple, 1 pear and 2 medjool dates. I pureed it all into a sauce, sprinkled some cinnamon, topped with more dates and voila! I dessert fit for a (detoxing) queen!

Oh, but this happened as I was waiting for the apples to steam...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Detox: Day 5

My apologies for the delay. I got home late last night to find my internet disconnected. So Im at my local library writing this.

So Day 5 is over and done. You are over that big steep hill and its just a smooth down hill ride from here.  Your blood sugar levels should be balancing out and hopefully those coffee withdrawal-induced headaches are tapering off.  You will still be releasing toxins so other symptoms are still possible but I feel the worst is over.

My day 5 was pretty good. I again ate pretty much the same as yesterday except dinner got a little messed up. Although I had a nice salad in my bag, I had forgotten a fork. I went straight to the concert (Timber Timbre – AMAZING!) and didn’t eat any dinner. Had an apple and some sunflower seeds to tie me over but we ended up going for a bite afterwards. 1st rule broken = eating after 10 pm.  2nd rule broken = although I ordered well-permitted salad rolls, it came with a dipping sauce which I am sure contained many ingredients from the ‘avoid’ list. But I ate it anyway. So, I did bend the rules a bit but not bad considering other options I could’ve chosen for dinner. Oh yeah, and the fact that my chocolate bar is still not even opened; no guilty feelings here.

Congratulations for surviving what is said to be the hardest part of a detox. You stuck it out and for that, I am so proud!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Detox: Day 4

Yipee!! You made it to day 4!! Almost over that hump. These past two days, you have probably not been feeling the greatest. Maybe some headaches (coffee withdrawl), maybe some gas & bloating (a sign of candida - yeast overgrowth) or maybe a chill (due to a drop in body temperature). These are all normal and should soon be over. These are actually good signs as it indicates that your hard efforts are working at releasing those toxins. Therefore you want to have some liver support such as milk thistle and some kidney support such as dandelion tea to help expel these toxins from the body.

My day 4 was good. I was out all day so had to bring all my food with me. Fortunately I was well prepared. I had curried lentils for lunch, beet & walnut salad for dinner and rewarded myself with two medjool dates for dessert. Yes, I know dates are on the 'occasion only' list but as I was meeting with friends I thought this to be a 'special occasion':) Oh man, they tasted like candy!
Curried lentils with carrots, cauliflower & kale
So now the weekend is here and you feel like you have to hibernate since you are detoxing. Absolutely not! I am going to see Timber Timbre tomorrow night and was a little worried about being the only one with a water bottle in hand while everyone else had a beer. Luckily for me its a no-alcohol venue so I got out of that one! But my girlfriend has a date tomorrow night and she was stumped on what she'll be able to eat. Surprisingly there are quite a few options for when going out without cheating too much. Sushi is totally allowed (especially brown rice) as long as its vegetarian. Most salads are fine as long as you stick to vinaigrette dressings. Vegetarian curries are usually a good choice or any vegetable dishes served with rice or rice noodles. Dairy-free, meat free soups are good too but stay away from the bread or crackers that often come with. Most of these dishes will probably still contain some ingredients you should be avoiding but honestly, your life doesn't stop because you are on a cleanse. Be realistic and just try to do the best you can.  You're doing great so far!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Detox: Day 3

Me and my 1 weeks' supply!
Okay, so I guess I'll break it to you now since day 3 is almost over. Today is usually a toughie for most, so if you struggled a bit, don't worry. Actually, day 3-5 are pretty tough. In the past, these days of a detox felt similar to running up a very steep hill. It drags, it burns, and all the while you keep looking back contemplating just lying down and log rolling all the way to the bottom! But you don't. You keep trekking because I promise you, after day 5 it's smooth sailing. You made it to day 3, that's like half a week. You can totally do this!!
My day 3 was much better then my previous day 3 detox's. For one of the first times in a while, I did not have that afternoon crash after lunch. My energy level was high and steady throughout, and imagine - no caffeine! I think I over did it with the sweet potatoes though. I had sweet potato soup and sweet potato salad for lunch, then had sweet potato fries with salad rolls for dinner. I didn't plan the soup, it just happened to be what I made for my soup program today and luckily contained all ingredients I'm allowed. One thing I also noticed, due to less toxins or just plain desire, is my sense of smell has definitely heightened. Especially around the freshly baked bread I served at lunch but wasn't allowed:(
Oh yeah, and that chocolate bar I've been hiding - still fully intact!
As for the meditation, it may be a little early to tell but I feel there's already improvement. Yes, my mind still wanders but my periods of focus seemed to last longer last night. I have also learned that maybe my expectations of meditation are a little too high. This article by my close colleague and even closer amiga explains a more realistic approach of meditation and expectations from this practice:
So it's end of day 3, and yes, that means another enema! (oh don't you worry, you will be getting the full 'enema explanation' soon enough;)
2 more days (more like 1.5, or just 1 if we don't count day 5 at all;) and I promise you will be reaping the benefits of all your hard work. Keep it up!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Detox: Day 2

Its the second day and there is not a ripple in my will power. I am the sturdiest arrow, still headed directly for its bull's eye. I feel like this is a walk in the park, really!! However, it is only day two and I do give all of you my permission to hold these words against me in a about 2 weeks time when my sturdy arrow starts to wobble:)
I am trying to think back to my first detox to be able to relate to many of my readers. I think day 2 had a few challenges. A friend who is doing her first detox told me she was quite hungry today. If many of you are experiencing this, than simply eat! It is not so much how much you eat, more importantly is what you eat. If hungry between snack and meal, then have another snack. Any veggies (except the nightshade family), an apple or pear, or some nuts or seeds are all permitted at any time of the day (stopping all food by 9pm of course;). 
Raw sweet potato salad and fresh salad rolls
Today I ate very similar to yesterday except I had a raw sweet potato salad with some grain-free salad rolls for dinner. Yum!! Blueberries with mango for dessert and surprisingly not even the slightest temptation to hit up my secret chocolate stash.
As for my meditation last night: I am new at meditating. I have tried it many times before but always got frustrated at my wandering thoughts. I even practiced meditating at this beautiful temple in Laos which was lead by a local monk dressed in a traditional saffron robe, thinking the whole setting will surely make me a master at this ancient practice. But no, my mind still rambled until no end. However, I am determined this time, even if I don't succeed, to dedicate time every day to try. I figure even if I don't ever experience that amazing feeling of floating above the earth, finding complete balance between body, soul and spirit, or whatever many 'pro-meditators' claim to experience; sitting, relaxing and being calm can only be beneficial right? I certainly relaxed last night. So much so that I fell asleep! I think I'll have to start a little earlier tonight:)
Great job everyone! Keep it up!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Detox: Day 1

What my kitchen looked like pre-cleanse
Okay, so today was easy peazy right?? Right! And it's no surprise as the dial on the motivation scale is at max and you've been pumping yourself up for this for a while. Also, the good thing about starting on a Monday is that you hopefully had Sunday to prepare a few meals. I didn't feel like I was depriving myself at all with all the yummy food I ate. I had forgotten how tasty my morning carrot/beet/parsley juice is and it kept me going for a while. I guess it helped that my morning was quite busy. I had hummus and veggies, kichadi, apple and almonds for my afternoon snack and bean salad with a side of beet salad. The most surprising part about today was no craving for sweets right after dinner. Yes, I pretty much ran out the door for the gym but that hasn't stopped me from reaching for the chocolate before. And yes, I admit - there is dark, sugar-free chocolate in the house. But just for those unbearable cravings, which I know will hit at some point this month. Instead though, I had a bowl of blueberries and half of a perfectly ripe pear for dessert after the gym. Never did a pear taste so good. I was completely satiated. I didn't even think about the chocolate only feet way!
Yummy beet salad with beet greens, walnuts and my own sprouts!
So it's time to get my food ready for tomorrow and do my first 'detox meditation'. Oh yeah, and day 1 of a detox - you know what that means: enema time!

Congratulations on your first day everyone. Keep up the great work!