Thursday, April 28, 2011

Detox: Day 24

So today I ordered another bunch of carrots. Although my cleanse ends Saturday, I am going to continue juicing for a while. I definitely miss my yogurt & granola for breakfast (my pre-detox breakfast staple),  I'm thinking that can be brought in as a weekend breakfast or dessert. I also usually have a smoothie every morning so now I am planning on replacing the smoothie with the juice and have the smoothie as an afternoon snack. I am hoping to keep the veggie intake the same and helping that by having at least one salad/day. Something that continues to be a struggle is the thoughtless snacking/eating. Although this detox has made me much more aware, so often I eat something without any thought to it at all. Its as if the hand to mouth motion is programmed at times and I am totally oblivious to what I am doing. I am trying to be more aware of what, when and why I am eating, trying not to just eat because its something to do or because I 'm bored. The psychological response to eating is something I plan to continue to work on for a while.

After my rough weekend, I feel like things are getting back to normal. I have been extra careful with my diet these past few days, really sticking to the do's & don'ts of this detox. Although its been over 3 weeks and normally would have thrown in the towel by now, I am feeling too good to give this up. This is my first cleanse where I am not counting down the hours till I can have a glass of wine or a forbidden sweet. A coffee on the other hand, I have been thinking much about:) Seriously though, I am somewhat grateful for feeling like poo on the weekend. It showed me first hand how much food can alter not only your physical, but mental state as well.

3 more days!!

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