Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Journey of my Kidney Cleanse

The human body fascinates me more and more each day!! It is mind blowing how every organ, bone, muscle and cell are connected and all work in sync to provide the most complex, intellectual working machine in existence!
On Monday I started a much needed kidney cleanse. The kidneys are the first organs you need to clean when doing a full body detox, which is what I am doing. It is quite simple as it just involves drinking a concoction of brewed teas and tinctures along with a handful in supplements.  No real restrictions on diet except of course, trying to eat as clean as possible. The hardest part of this cleanse actually, is not being able to wear any jewelry for 6 weeks. I had to remove all my rings and earrings. I have permanent dents in some of my fingers because of how long I have worn them for and I feel totally naked without earrings. But, other than that, not much sacrifice is required for a kidney cleanse.
On Monday I went to a spin class after work and walked home after wards as I usually do. I felt great. Tuesday I woke up and my left big toe was a bit sensitive, but not enough to keep me from attending yet another spin class that night. I walked home fine after that class as well. However, Wednesday my big toe was even more sore and bothering me when I walked. By Thursday I was limping and Friday I had it up on the table icing it every few hours! I never stubbed or injured it in any way so I could not, for the life of me, figure out what happened and why it was getting worse each day. I knew as a healthy vegetarian, gout was quite unlikely. After a bit of research, I self diagnosed it as Sesamoiditis: inflammation in the joint of the big toe often due to much load-bearing activity. It is a condition that usually affects older people though, as it is a form of osteoarthritis. However, as I had just had 2 spin classes in a row, it somewhat made sense, as I could not think of what else it could be. This was a concern because the only treatment for sesamoiditis is rest and ice for the inflammation. Anyone that knows me, knows I don’t like being still for long and I worried that this may continue to return after each workout or long day on my feet. Not good.
Today, I hobbled to my Reiki treatment with a client of mine (a nice arrangement of bartering services we have).  As I told her about my toe, she pulled out her go to book and read how toe pain is directly related to the kidneys and how a kidney cleanse is even recommended for this sort of pain. Why did I not think of this?!  Of course I was getting this pain due to my kidney cleanse.
This is how Dr. Hulda Clark explains it:
The ends of your feet get the poorest "service" from your blood supply. They are the furthest away. The blood here has the most accumulated acid and the least oxygen supply. The body produces quite a bit of uric acid and this should, of course, be excreted into the bladder by the kidneys. But if the kidneys are doing a poor job of this, levels in the body and blood stream rise. The blood can only hold so much. It holds even less in acid conditions such as the ends of your feet experience. Uric acid begins to settle out or precipitate at our feet.
Bingo!! As I was/am releasing these built up toxins and uric acid in my kidneys, they entered the blood stream. And because I do have poor circulation, once these toxins got to my toe, they couldn’t/can’t get out. I LOVE IT!! Well, the pain I can do with out, but how the proper function of one body part relies greatly on the proper function of another is simply fascinating.
So back to the health store I went for some supplements to improve my circulation. Along with a eating an alkalizing diet, a few more days of icing and my poor attempts to keep still, I can rid my body of this toxic build up and have those squeaky clean kidneys (and pain free toe) I’ve always wanted!!


  1. Fantastic! What an incredibly intricate machine we are! Our bodies never cease to amaze me either, Kimmy. I find it incredible that they work as well as they do under all the bad treatment they endure (or have endured). Keep up the great work! XOX

  2. In the present world, there are numerous who feel languid, focused on, drained or overweight searching for a simple way or you can say discovering an easy route to wind up dynamic at any expense. It happens as poisons are all over the place, particularly in the nourishments that we eat and had an effect on our wellbeing. Through purging (kidney wash down eating routine) and hand crafted detox scrub, one can shed pounds or dispose of sluggishness, spare themselves from kidney stone or kidney disappointment. In this methodology, you simply need to drink enough water, liquids, eating new leafy foods vegetables to stay fit & dynamic. Both courses of action are regular and savvy, if anybody needs more data simply visit

  3. Thanks for the all important information about kidney cleansing but i also heard about one more option i.e, Total Cleanse Detox Diet which also aware all about kidney cleansing or how to do kidney cleanse naturally. Kidney cleansing is nothing but drinking lots of water, fluids, eating fresh fruits and vegetables on daily basis. So that with the help of these natural way one can get rid of kidney problems like kidney stone and many more. Everyone should thinking of this way it's simple, easy and cost effective (Kidney Cleanse Diet).
