Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Detox Diva!!

Okay, so people don’t actually call me that. However, it is a name I wouldn’t mind inheriting one day, as I am a strong enthusiast of detoxing, also known as cleansing. I detox minimum twice a year, spring & fall, and have experienced first hand the benefits from doing this. However, there are many misconceptions when it comes to detoxing that I feel needs some clarification.
Detoxing does not mean you have to starve yourself for two weeks and wither away to nothing.  As I am sure this method will definitely help you shed a few pounds, that is not the purpose of a detox. Many people use a detox as a weight loss regime when it should be seen more as a method of ridding your body and tissues of excess toxins.  A detox gives your body that well deserved break it needs from all the toxins and chemicals it is exposed to everyday.  Our eating & lifestyle habits pay quite a toll on our body, especially our liver, even if are habits are quite healthy. Unless you are ONLY eating certified organic everything and pretty much living in a bubble, like it or not, you are being exposed to hundreds of toxins everyday! From the air we breathe, the water we drink, the place we work or the place we live, toxins surround us and unfortunately there’s not that much we can do to avoid them. So that’s why we need to protect ourselves from the damage they cause. And a detox is the perfect way to do this.
Think of a detox like an oil change for our car. After so many kilometers we have to change the oil. Why? To eliminate excess build up and assure proper function of our vehicle. That’s exactly why we need to detox. Our bodies come equipped with natural detoxification systems however the accumulation of toxins in our body interferes their proper function.  When we ‘clean our engine’ we liberate our body of excess build up of toxins so it can continue to function as it should.
When I talk to people about detoxing, I often hear “it’s not natural. People were not detoxing thousands of years ago.” And they are absolutely right, however a thousand years ago people were not consuming diets primarily made up of artificial and chemical ingredients or breathing air contaminated with exhaust fumes. We live in a completely different age, and if we are going to make it, we have to protect ourselves!
I started my fall detox today. It is a little later than usual (beginning of October is preferred), however I am fortunate the warm weather is still lingering.  I also had to be realistic. There was no way I was going to follow a strict regime like this over Thanksgiving and at my friends wedding. That is why when choosing the right time to detox, you too must make it as realistic as possible. This will be a real test on your will power so don’t make it any harder on yourself.
To properly detox, we must eliminate all toxins from our diet. This means no sugar, no processed foods (nothing that comes in a bag or a box), no caffeine, no alcohol and no animal products. During the detox we should be consuming mostly fresh vegetables, whole grains (only a few are recommended), lentils, fresh fruits, nuts  and seeds. A two to three week detox is best. While a few days or a week can still help, I really only begin to feel the benefits of a detox after a week.  I am not going to lie, it’s not easy. But compared to heart surgery or chemo treatments down the road, I have no problem doing without some cookies for a few weeks!

For further details or to purchase my full detox information and meal plan kit, please feel free to contact me.
** Please consult your physician if you suffer from any serious illnesses before started a detox. Detoxing is not recommended for anyone suffering from diabetes or pregnant.

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