Tuesday, September 7, 2010

High blood pressure? Really?

My 'soon-to-be' father-in-law is one of the healthiest people I know. He is 66 and can make many thirty year olds relish with envy. In the summer, you will find him on the tennis courts and in the winter, you'd most likely find him in spin class at the Y. Oh yeah, and he probably jogged to the class! I have jogged with him a few times and even I have trouble keeping up. An ex football player and long time jogger, Bernie has been active all his life.
When it comes to his diet, Bernie really isn't that adventurous. He's come a long way but he really is the pickiest person I know. Coming from his English/Irish roots, he's always been a meat and potatoes type of guy, but he makes sure to include a salad with most meals. And you will never find him eating fast food, it's always fresh. He definitely enjoys a nice pint at dinner but has never smoked a cigarette in his life.
So what explains this supreme being having high blood pressure?
It boggled my mind for a while. Until I learned about the connection between high blood pressure and heavy metal. No, not the music genre (although many may agree there are health effects linked to this kind as well:) I am referring to heavy metal excess in the body - especially lead. Well, well, well. This explains everything!
Bernie owned a sign making business for many, many (30+) years. He dealt with lead paint on a regular basis. Not to mention the toxins that paint contained thirty years ago!
Heavy metal toxicity is more common than most know. Up to 25% of North Americans suffer from some form of heavy metal excess. Environment, pesticides, workplace pollutants, cooking utensils, amalgam fillings and even beauty products are just a few of the sources that contribute to heavy metal toxicity. The reason for this being such a serious issue is that heavy metals tend to accumulate around vital organs, such as the brain and they greatly affect the immune system.
Like most patients diagnosed with high blood pressure, Bernie was put on Coversyl, however he is interested in trying a safer, drug-free way. Lucky for him, there are options. Heavy metal detoxes vary from simple supplementation to more intense methods such as undergoing chelation treatments in a clinical setting.Vitamin C, calcium and glutathione are some of the best chelating supplements.
For more information on heavy metal toxicity, check out http://www.answers.com/topic/heavy-metal-poisoning or feel free to contact me with your questions.

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