Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Grumpy or Grateful?

Today is one of those days where the complaining flowed effortlessly. This is not a common occurrence for me, however it's March 23rd and there is about 10cm of fresh fluffy sss.... sn...sno.. see, I'm not even capable of saying the word after March 21st!

Because of this tragic event when it's officially spring. Because I just took out my favorite spring jacket. Because I just put my big, clunky winter boots away. Because I was fully immersed in my garden planning. Because it was a white knuckle drive to work. Because everyone around me was irritable too. Because I hit a pine tree branch when walking the dog and all the snow fell down the back of my coat. Because walking down the street felt like climbing a mountain. Because of all of this, there seemed like much reason to complain. And justifiably so. However, it was only worth complaining because I sought it to be so.

My cottage on the most beautiful winter night
Because it is March after all, the most unpredictable month of this amazing climate that I live in. Because I have a cool spring jacket. Actually, I have 3. Because I am lucky enough to have boots that kept my feet warm all winter. Because I have a garden to plan for. Because I own a car that I can drive to work. Because I'm lucky enough to be surrounded my amazing people daily, even if they were irritable. Because although in the city, I still have beautiful trees all around me. Because I have a healthy body and unlike many, can actually walk. Because of all these reasons, I have so much to be grateful for.

For those bad days, where nothing seems to go your way remember, it's not that there's nothing to be grateful for. It's because you are choosing not to see it.


  1. Kim! I think about this kind of thing all the time and was just reading about something similar in Gretchen Rubin's "The Happiness Project". Your words brightened my day. I'm so lucky to have you in my life and to have you joining my family!


  2. Awwwww Karen!!! Now you just made my day!! xoxo
