Sunday, April 7, 2013

How About a Thank You, Not an F-You

As many of you know, I am an avid urban cyclist. I ride my bike everywhere and anywhere
throughout the whole year (blizzards and -20 degrees weather aside). Although I own a car, my bike is still my preferred means of travel in this city.

Cycling really is a win-win situation. Not only is it the most affordable means of transportation (aka: free!) but your health benefits as well every time you use it. Cycling is great workout! And surprising for many, it is usually the quickest means of transport as well. Whipping past the rows and rows of cars stuck in traffic as the wind blows through your hair brings great pleasure only another fellow cyclist can fully comprehend. And the pride knowing you are one less individual contributing to the gridlock feels pretty good too.
Cars & Bikes: Will there ever be love?

So when I, on a Sunday morning returning from my spin class (biking after a spin class – yes, that’s how I roll!) get honked at and screamed obscenities at for trying to share the road, I get a little peeved. What is even more frustrating is that I truly am a responsible rider. Always wearing a helmet, have both rear and front lights, a bell, the whole sha-bang! I also signal when ever possible and do my best to communicate with the drivers on the road. That is why it is very agitating when an over-weight man, sitting in his over-weight SUV in Sunday morning traffic (yes, that’s right, traffic on a Sunday) who has probably never been to a gym let alone rode a bike in the city yells at me, a cyclist who chose to leave her car at home, to get off the f*#king road. So I got to thinking, if my bike helps reduce air pollution and smog, keeps me healthy and therefore less of a burden to the over-taxed health care system, and alleviates congestion and traffic helping you get to your big box store quicker, then I must ask, why do you want me off the f*$king road? Next time you're stuck in traffic Mr. double-chinned SUV, try shouting a ‘thank you’ to that fellow cyclist wanting to share the road with you. Because they just made your day a little easier.

That’s my Sunday morning rant. Don’t worry, I’m not changing this to Cook.Rant.Love just yet:)

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