Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fasting, Intolerance's, Enema's, Oh my!!!

Never had I thought the day would come where I would be disappointed to eat. I know it sounds crazy, and believe me, I was hungry on my fast, but I just loved feeling so great!! I wanted this feeling to remain forever. But obviously, we all know fasting is not sustainable. I began reintroducing food on day 4, and even with all my knowledge on this subject, I still didn't do it right. I introduced a few too many things at once and paid for later. Gas, irregular bowel movements, bloating and congestion so bad I thought I got hit with another cold were all experienced in the days following my fast. I think I was able to pinpoint the culprits though, hence this is the reason for introducing food slowly. If you do experience intolerance's, you want to be able to know where they are coming from. It seems as though cashews don't like me, which is really too bad because I really like them! Cashews are also something I ate regularly prior to the fast. Why the reaction now you ask? Well, that is how intolerance's work. Reactions get subdued as our bodies adapt and 'deal with' these food sensitivities when we eat them on a regular basis, however this does not mean we are not affected by them. We brush off gas, abdominal distention, bloating as just 'normal' digestive reactions, however these are signals that we should be paying attention to as they are telling us that we are having trouble digesting them and should probably remove them from our diet, at least for a short time.

I am pretty much done my cleanse entirely, however I decided to remain gluten free and dairy free for the most part and I am still not consuming alcohol. I had a few decaf coffee's and one regular caffeine packed Americano (damn, was it good!!) but I am trying to see coffee as a treat to have on special occassions only. Decaf, green tea lattes and Bambu (herbal coffee) will have to get me by for now. My cleanse has also introduced me to more grain free recipes and I want to continue them. Most vegetarians are grain-crazy which can certainly contribute to gut flora imbalances. I am trying to only have 1 grain/day which is a challenge but as you may know, I get off on challenges!!! The easy way puts me to sleep!!

And yes, we need to have the talk again: THE ENEMA TALK!! These things saved me when fasting and following the fast. First off, when you are not eating, you are not pooping. However, your body is still releasing toxins, probably at a faster rate than usual. You must get these toxins out of the body and the best way is to poop them out!!! Enema's help you do this. I know just the thought has some of you squirming in your seat. I understand so much so that I made a You Tube video just to alleviate all those fears you have. As my video has had over a quarter of a MILLION hits!!!! 233,537 to be exact, it seems to have captured the interest of many, help them get over their fears and start to partake in something that can be so beneficial to their health. 
Check out my video here. Even if you are not interested, check it out anyway - I want more hits!!!

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