Thursday, March 24, 2011

April = My Month

It's rounding the end of March and all I can think about is how great April is going to make me feel. Not just because the snow will be gone, the flowers will start blooming and the sun will start shining brighter. April will be great because I have declared it 'My Month'.

I am celebrating 'My Month' with a spring detox, something I do every spring. I am a full advocate of detox's as it is that time of year where you give your body that much needed break for all its hard work all year long and give it thanks for keeping you healthy. Everyday we burden our body with toxins coming at us from every angle. From the air we breath, the food we eat, the products we use and even the water we drink, our body's defenses are bombarded daily.

Twice a year I challenge myself and try to eat the cleanest diet possible. The will power required to withstand my many vices is quite intense, but the confidence I gain in the end is worth it. This spring I want to push myself further and not only concentrate on my physical health, but my mental health as well. My brain can probably use the biggest clean up of all, therefore I will be adding daily meditations to my routine.

Many people feel they don't have the will power to be without their daily vices, or they don't have the time to commit. A two week cleanse is recommend and considering what we do to our bodies the other 50 weeks of the year, two weeks is nothing. If you absolutely can't commit to two weeks, then start with one. You'll surprise yourself with how strong you actually are. It is also wise to stop thinking of detox as  a punishment. A detox is actually a gift to your hard working body. A detox says "Thank you body for taking care of me. I love you".

I will be starting my 1-month detox on Monday April 4. I will soon post details on how to detox properly and safely so please stay tuned. I will also have my 7-day meal plan complete with recipes for sale as of Monday March 28th. I will blog everyday about the cleanse and how I am feeling so you can all follow and I can answer any questions you may have.

So let's do this! Make April 'Your Month'!!!

1 comment:

  1. Totally Wish I could join you on this cleanse... maybe next year!!!
