Wow, May sure did sneak up on us!! Sorry I have been somewhat MIA. Biking for Bellies in full swing, new job and cute nephews' have been snagging my attention. However, Marvelous Me carries on as we still have 8 months to get marvelous. I should say more marvelous than we already are, right?
I hope your April cleanse went well. It was definitely challenging for me, more than any other as my will power was somewhat non-existent for some reason. However, I did it, pulled through and feel better for it. Hope you do as well.
May is' Push Yourself & Whole Grains' month. Whole grains is pretty obvious; all grains that you consume should be whole and unrefined. Hopefully your cleanse has helped you steer clear of all that bad white stuff which will make this exercise a lot easier for you. Most restaurants, grocery stores and anywhere else that serves food really, has finally jumped on the whole grain wagon and made these grains accessible pretty much everywhere. However, I still do think we are a wheat-crazed society and limiting your consumption of wheat, even if its whole, is always a good idea. With so many other, tastier grains out there, there really is no need to stick to just one. Experiment with spelt, rye, kamut, barley, brown rice, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, millet and teff. With this wide of a selection, this months' challenge is sure to be a breeze, right? Maybe not for all of you. I know many of you still have that white stuff lingering in the back of pantries, pulled out for those baking recipes that you are convinced would never work with any substitute. Well, now is your chance to try. Have your pancakes, muffins, breads, just make sure they contain one or more of the grains above.
Now to push yourself. I chose May for this as I originally was doing a 200 km bike ride in the beginning of June. I since switched my ride (and purpose for it) to August. However, I have a lot of training ahead which should not all be saved for July. So I will start pushing my self now. I need to change my 20 km rides to 30, then to 40, then to 50. My once a week spin class should be pushed to 2. I know many of you are running 10 k's or half marathon's soon. I have a friend entered in her first Spartan race. These are all great examples of how you can push yourself further than you have before. However, pushing yourself does not only mean on the physical level.
Have you been contemplating a career change but too afraid to take the leap? Have you been wanting to take a course but worried about how difficult it will be juggle work and school? How about starting a garden for the first time, but having no idea where to start? Or how about joining that dating site your friend told you about months ago? Well May is here and this is the best time to leap. Leap into what ever it is that you have been making excuses for not doing for as long as you can remember. There is no better time than now. Leaving your comfort zone is scary for everyone, but what I think is even scarier is living life in regret. Regretting not taking that exciting job because it didn't have a dental plan. Regretting not ever learning about philosophy. Regretting not being able to eat a salad made from your own backyard or waking up alone when your 60 when you always dreamed of one day having a family. Push yourself to a new level, out of your comfort zone and into the new. Realize your potential and once your are there, push even further.
May is the month where everything around you is blossoming and growing. You should be doing the same!