January rules: minimum 8 hours of sleep every night and 2-3 L of pure water/day.
Okay, so I think I am not alone when I say getting enough sleep was definitely more difficult then getting enough water. However, I think both went quite well.
Like most things, my motivation was very strong to start. For 2 weeks straight I was sleeping 8 hours a night with maybe one night at 7.5 hours. Shutting off at 9:30 was quite difficult as I felt my evenings were so short and not nearly enough time to get things done. However, the more I did it, the more I realized I can still be productive. It’s amazing how many hours I wasted on Facebook or other guilty pleasures. I took some of those late evenings dilly-dallying in front of my Mac and turn them into blissful zzz’s. My motivation did seem to dwindle in the 3rd week counting only about 1 night of a full 8 hours. The other nights swayed between 7-7.5, so still not so bad but not good enough. My fourth week was much better than my third but still probably had only 3 nights of 8 hour sleeps. There was only one night the whole month that I got only about 6 hours, but considering this was my average before starting Marvelous Me, I am pretty pleased!!
As for my water intake, I was averaging approximately 2 liters prior to starting Marvelous Me, therefore it was not as challenging. However, my schedule changed completely in the third week. Due to much more travelling and being at several different locations in a day, my consumption decreased significantly. One thing I found is it was easier to monitor prior to my change in schedule. Knowing how much I was drinking really helped to tell me how much more I had to drink to reach my days’ quota. As this schedule becomes more routine, I am confident I will be back on track.
Some physical changes I noticed after my 2 solid weeks of great sleep and lots of water was clearer skin and the bags under my eyes diminished. I had more energy but more importantly, my energy was consistent with no big highs or crashes, just a nice steady flow. I also noticed I was dreaming almost every night. I am someone who unfortunately never remembers her dreams so this was quite nice. And after hopping on the scale this evening at the gym, I noticed I lost about 5 pounds. Yippee!!!
Overall, January has been an amazing start to The Marvelous Me Project. Already seeing results is definitely motivating for the months ahead. And as we slide into February, the month where exercise & protein are the focus, I will do my best to carry forth my good habits attained in January. Remember, this is not a diet. The Marvelous Me project is all about creating lifestyle changes.
I would love to hear about your January experience at The Marvelous Me Project. Please share!!!
Alright February – bring it on!!!